Access Control System Glossary Term A,Chennai India - ATSS


Access Card: A coded employee card, usually the size of a credit card, recognizable to the access control system and read by a reader to allow access. It can be used for photo identification of the cardholder and for other data collection purposes. Card technologies include magnetic strips, wiegand-effect, proximity (active/passive), barium ferrite, and smart/intelligent cards.

Access Code Numeric or alphanumeric data which, when entered correctly, authorizes entry into a secure area.

Access Control: Any system or method which automatically controls the passage of people and vehicles into or out of an area or structure.

Access Control Card: An identification card with encoded information that, when presented to a card reader, identifies the cardholder to an access control system, allowing that system to determine the cardholder's entrance and exit rights.

Access Control System: An interconnected set of controllers, managing the entrance and exit of people through secure areas.

Access Group:A superset of information including Time zones and secured Doors that is applied to cardholders. This information defines at what time-of-day and through which doors cardholders are granted access.

Access Level: The door or combination of doors and/or barriers an Individual is authorized to pass through.

Access Mask: Electronic alarm masking suppresses the annunciation of an alarm condition that would have been reported in the “secure” mode of operation. Masking does not block the reporting ability of tamper or fault conditions that may not be seen when alarm shunting is used.

Access Mode: The condition in which all access parameters have been met, allowing an access control system to grant access.

Access Point: Each means of entry into a controlled security area, consisting of a card reader, monitor switches and/or latches. Access points are wired to an access control panel.

Access Parameters: Programmed information that defines the conditions that must be met to grant access. Such parameters may include access codes, access groups, authorization levels, or Time zones.

Access Request: The act of presenting the information necessary to verify a person's identity.

Access Time: The period of time during which an access point is unlocked. (Also see shunt time).

Acquired Data: The data collected from an event that is used to make a decision, or is saved for future analysis.

Active Card: A type of access control card that is dependent upon a card reader to provide the power necessary to allow the card to transmit its data.

Actuator: A manually operated or automatically controlled switch or sensor which initiates a signal that can be processed by an access control system.

Alarm Annunciation: The act of announcing that an alarm event has occurred. Annunciation can be done by an audible alarm, warning lamp or LED, or a pop-up window or message (in the case of alarm monitoring via computer software).

Alarm Disable: The ability to physically or electronically make an alarm input unaccessible to an access control system.

Alarm Enable: The ability to physically or electronically make an alarm input accessible to an access control system.

Alarm input: A device that is monitored by the access control panel. An alarm signal will be generated if the device is activated.

Access Relay: An electrically operated switch that is activated when access is granted to unlock a door.

Annunciator: An audible and/or visual signaling device.

Anti-Pass back (Anti-Tailgating):This feature protects against more than one person using the same card or number. It defines each system card reader and card I.D. number as IN, OUT or other. Once a card is granted access to an IN reader, it must be presented to an OUT reader before another IN reader access is granted. Cards will continue to have access to all authorized OTHER readers.

Audit Trail:A listing created which may be created in real time which may be used to monitor the progress of a person through protected areas.