Access Control System,Glossary Of Common Access Control India


Access Card, Access Code, Access Control, Access Control Card, Access Control System, Access Group, Access Level, Access Mask, Access Mode, Access Point, Access Parameters, Access Request, Access Time, Acquired Data, Active Card, Actuator, Alarm Annunciation, Alarm Disable, Alarm Enable, Alarm input, Access Relay,Annunciator,Anti-Pass back (Anti-Tailgating),Audit Trail.

Badge,Badge Reader,Badging Software,Bar Code,Bar Code Card, Bar Code Reader, Barium Ferrite Card, Barium Ferrite Reader, Batch Programming,Battery Backup, Baud, Bell Transformer,Binary Coded Decimal BCD,Biometrics, Biometric Access Control,Bit, Break After Make, Bus,Buffer Capacity, Byte.

Card,Card Access, Card Encoder, Card Reader,Card Holder, Central or on line processing,Checksum,Chip in Card, Circle of Protection, Circuit Breaker,Coercivity, Com Port,Conductor, Contact,Contact Rating,Control Center,Control Point, Controller,CSA, Cypher Lock.

Database, Dedicated I/O Point, Didicated Telephone Line,Degausser, Degraded Mode, Device Address, Distributed Access Control,Distributed Intelligent Devices, Distributed processing, Door,Door Forced Alarm, Door Held Open Alarm, Door Held Open Time, Door Switch,Download, Duress, Duress Alarm, Duress Code,Duty Cycle.

Easy egress, Earth Ground, Egress, Electric Door Lock, Electric Strike,Electric Door Strike,Electromagnetic,Electromagnetic Interference EMI, Electromagnetic Lock, Embosed Card,EMI, Encoding, Entrance Delay, Enclosure,Eprom,Event,Exit Alarm,Executive Privilege, Exit Lock, Exit Reader, Exit Switch.

Fail Safe Lockset, Fail Secure Door, Fail Secure Lockset, False Alarm,Fingerprint Pattern Area, Fingerprint Reader, Facility Code,Fail Safe Door, Fail safe, Fail Secure,Fail Unlocked.

Gate, General Protection Fault, Glass Break Station, Global Unlock, Global Linking, Ground, Guard Tour.

History, Historical Log, Hand Geometry, Host Computer.

Identification, Identification Card, Infrared Light, Infrared Motion Sensor, Ingress, Input, Insertion Card, Intelligent Device.


Key Tag, Keyless Access Control, Key Switch, Keypad.

Latching Relay, LCD, LED, Lease Line, Line Drop, Load, Lock Relay Output, Logging.

Magnetic Contact, Magnetic Lock, Magnetic Stripe, Magnetic Stripe Card, Magnetic Stripe Reader, Master Code Card,Memory,Modem, Momentary Switch, MOV.

Network, Normally Closed, Normally Open.

Online Help, OR Gate, Output Relay.

Panic Bar, Parking Gate, Passive Infrared Detector PIR, Photo Badging.

Radio Frequency Identification,RAM, Random Access Memory, Reader, Relay, Request To Exit,REX Button, Read Only Memory ROM, Real Time Command, Remote

Host, RFID, ROM, RS-232,RS-485, RTE.

Secure Area, Secure Door, Shielding, Short Circuit, Shunt, Shunt Time, Signature Verification, Smart Card,Spike, Standalone, Strike, Strike Plate,Status Switch, Suppression, Switch.

Tailgating, Telephone Entry, Time and Attendance, Time Schedules, Time Zones, Touchpad, Transients, Transaction,Transient Suppressor, Transorb, Turnstile, Twisted Pair.

Underwriters Laboratories UL, Upload.

Verification, Voice Recognition System.

Wiegend Card Key, Wiegand Card, Wiegand Compatible Devices, Wiegand Effect, Wiegand Reader.