Biometric Access Control System - Glossary Of Common Biometric Terms Chennai,India


Uncooperative User

An individual who actively tries to deny the capture of his/her biometric data. Example: A detainee mutilates his/her finger upon capture to prevent the recognition of his/her identity via fingerprint.


A person, such as an administrator, who interacts with or controls end users� interactions with a biometric system.

US-VISIT - U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology

A continuum of security measures that begins overseas, at the Department of State's visa issuing posts, and continues through arrival and departure from the United States of America. Using biometric, such as digital, inkless finger scans and digital photographs, the identity of visitors requiring a visa is now matched at each step to ensure that the person crossing the U.S. border is the same person who received the visa. For visa-waiver travelers, the capture of biometrics first occurs at the port of entry to the U.S. By checking the biometrics of a traveler against its databases,

US-VISIT verifies whether the traveler has previously been determined inadmissible, is a know security risk (including having outstanding wants and warrants), or has previously overstayed the terms of a visa. These entry and exit procedures address the U.S. critical need for tighter security and ongoing commitment to facilitate travel for the millions of legitimate visitors welcomed each year to conduct business, learn, see family, or tour the country.S